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White Structure


OuR History



The Berean Missionary Baptist Church was born out of the New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, 955 South Fourth Street, Memphis, Tennessee. On April 1, 1990, we, three hundred twenty-five members, and pastor met at the Ford Funeral Home to discuss the possibility of organizing a new church. We agreed that we wanted to go forward as a people directed by the word of God and guided by the Holy Spirit. We designated the following Thursday night, April 5, 1990, to meet and organize as a new congregation in the body of Christ.


On April 5, 1990, we met to carry out what we believed to be the dictates of the Holy Spirit. We accepted the name Berean Missionary Baptist Church unanimously. We believed that the description given to the people of Berea in Acts 17:11 was somehow directed at us. "These were more noble than those ... in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so." It was our sincere belief in the bible and a serious desire to follow its direction through the Spirit that aided us in embracing the name "Berean." When the meeting ended, we were a new congregation with Rev. Edward Parker, Jr., as pastor, and Rev. Harry G. Bowens as assistant pastor.


The church's symbol is that of Apostle Paul, a shield with an open Bible laying on a sword with the Latin words Spiritus Gladius, meaning "Sword of the Spirit," printed thereon. The church colors are the same as those for Apostle Paul, Purple for Passion and Royalty, White for Purity, and Gold for Durability and Stability.

It is our desire that we make a difference in the community of humankind. (1) We are designing our ministry to lift Christ, that the unchurched will know and seek him; (2) We seek to equip the saved to go forth and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the out of doors, visit those in prison, minister to the sick, and support the word of God to be carried to every area of human existence; (3) We seek to present ministries that will impact our homes, schools, and our entire community.

As a newly organized congregation we are indebted to many friends and well-wishers; especially the New Covenant Seventh Day Adventist Church, 4335 Horn Lake Road, where we worshipped in Spirit and harmony from April 29, 1990, to January 27, 1991. After which we moved on February 3, 1991, to 1219 Finley in the Whitehaven community.


On March 21, 1994, during our quarterly church conference, we voted to have Jerusalem B.C. to merge with Berean and become one congregation. This process was completed by April 30, 1994.


With this merger we gained assistant pastor, Rev. Clennon Saulsberry, Sr. in charge of the Youth Ministry.

With the Lord's blessing on August 29, 1994, we closed on our new edifice, 1666 E. Raines Rd and held our first official worship service on September 11, 1994.

And now for 31 years, Berean Missionary Baptist Church with Dr. Edward Parker, Jr. serving as Senior Pastor has been a major force and beacon of hope for the Memphis and Whitehaven community. With approximately 30 Active ministries, the congregation has collectively adopted the mentality of ministry with Missions, Outreach, and Evangelism at the core of their existence.


In December of 2017, Dr. Parker met with the entire congregation to discuss preparations for his retirement. Dr. Parker shared with Berean the need to pray and seek God’s guidance as we search for an Assistant Pastor to be in place and to succeed him upon his retirement.

The members of Berean Missionary Baptist Church faithfully executed the charge by establishing committees that would meet and form a Search Procedure. After many months, days, weeks and hours, a successful Search Process took place.

Berean received more than 200 applicants to be considered as candidates for the position. After much prayer, many interviews, Worship experiences, Bible Studies and Sunday School times, the church narrowed the process twice to enable the church to vote on the final candidates.

On December 2, 2018, Berean Missionary Baptist Church unanimously voted to elect Dr. William Smith III to serve as their next Assistant Pastor who would succeed Dr. Edward Parker, Jr.


The members and pastor of the Berean Missionary Baptist Church thank God; for now, we know who we are, whose we are, and where we are as we go forth in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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