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It is the belief of this pastor and people that the Berean Missionary Baptist Church is organized in the tenants of scripture as presented in Acts 17:10-11. To paraphrase, the people of Berean were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word of with all readiness of mind, and search the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 

Berean is a Bible believing congregation that is incorporated in the Word of God. Therefore our mission is that we persist, with all diligence, to present the Word in such a manner that salvation may be personally realized; that new converts as well as the parishioners of longstanding are continuing in a learning atmosphere to allow the presence  of God to impact at home and abroad; that ministries are developed and being developed to aid in transforming lives; and that ultimately the Berean Missionary Baptist Church will be instrumental in sending persons and financial assistance to National and International Mission fields. Amen. 


We, as a body of baptized believers, embark upon the all-encompassing responsibility developing a Christo-centric ministry directing church administration as it liberates and empowers the laity through a democratic process in an African American Missionary Baptist Church. 

 In an effort to develop this administration that liberates and empowers the laity, we accept the fact that every person is equal in the ministry of Christ. Regardless of talents of individual members, be they many or few, every person should be equipped to be the best that he/she can be through the Word of God. Therefore, the congregation should be given or provided with the opportunity to exercise their gifts in the ministry of Christ for which they are called or suited for.  

 This vision that is undergirded by the scripture of Luke 4:18 that suggests that Jesus as the liberator, liberates all that accepts Him as savior and has established his church for the liberation of humankind for whatever they may be bound by.  Thus, the ministries of this church are participated in by persons regardless of gender, race, politics, or economic status. Therefore, along with other endeavors spelled out in other sections of this document, we envision ourselves as a non-traditional church. 

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